'Recent Films: Hands Catching Perceptions.' T+ Gallery, Japan
'Recent Films: Hands Catching Perception' latest exhibition by the artist Andy Ash at the T+ Gallery, Japan.
CAIR 2021: artist in residency
Announcement of the CAIR 2021: an artist residency based at The University of Tsukuba, Japan
Collaborations: Artist/Gallery/University/Schools presentation to University of Tsukuba, Japan
The Art of Walking #2 in Japan
Latest exhibition is open in Japan 16-21 Feb
The Art of Walking
Exhibition Monitor Gallery, UCL IOE, contemporary art, installation, walking, thinking, embodied knowledge.
Artist Teachers Forum
Artist teachers sharing in a community of practice at the Freelands Gallery
Thinking is Sculpting
Sculpture education in schools, sculpture curriculum, planning, challenging orthadoxies, art teachers, and school sculpture
Should We Teach Art?
Should we teach art? discussion with Freelands Foundation, NSEAD and Kings College London.
Artist teachers
Artist teachers exhibition at UCL IOE
Do Sculptors draw differently?
A conversation about drawing and sculpture.