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Latest book release in the 'Learning to Teach Art & design in the Secondary School' series.

I'm pleased to announce that 'A Practical Guide to Teaching Art & Design in the Secondary School' edited by Ash & Carr, published by Routledge is to be released on 29th April. A big thank you to all the authors for supporting the publication.

Get your copy with a special one off 20% discount with this code: EFLY01

Go to the trackable link for the book’s landing page to pre order for end of the month.

A Practical Guide to Teaching Art and Design in the Secondary School bridges the gap between key themes in Art and Design education theory, professional practice and the classroom. This practical and accessible book introduces methods for the delivery of engaging Art and Design lessons that safely and meaningfully address the current key issues in the subject.

Each chapter includes tasks to support trainee and early career teachers in implementing, reviewing and adapting their teaching. Chapters cover a range of core approaches to the curriculum such as powerful knowledge for the Art and Design teacher, the place of Art History in the curriculum and critical thinking in Art and Design learning. In addition, emerging cultural and political issues (such as decolonising the Art and Design curriculum, gender and sexuality, anti-ablism, sustainability and well-being) are explored in ways designed to guide teachers towards applying their own unique teaching style.

Linking directly to the planning and delivery of the subject in Key Stages 3, 4 and 5, the book is divided into three sections:

- Imaginative Curiosity for the Art and Design Teacher

- Epistemological Curiosity for Teachers and Learners

- Critical Curiosity in the Art and Design Classroom

Designed to be used independently or alongside the essential textbook Learning to Teach Art and Design in the Secondary School, this book is packed with practical strategies, teaching ideas and activities in every chapter. The book provides everything trainee and early career teachers need to reflect on and develop their teaching practice, helping them to plan lessons across the subject in a variety of teaching situations.


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