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What does it mean to be an Artist Teacher?

Artist Teachers Network, Freelands Gallery - online

'What does it mean to be an artist teacher?'

Tuesday 16th 18.30-20.00.

Every other month I organise an opportunity for our Artist Teacher Network to come together and share insights and understandings about their practice. Last week I managed to persuade Andy Berriman, Keda Richens & Henry Ward, three of our regular attenders, to take part in a panel discussion.

I offered a provocation for each panel member to personally respond to - what does it mean to be an artist teacher? Each was given 10 minutes to articulate their personal position and perspective, to share examples of their art work /practice which was then intended to generate a wider discussion with the other participants (at one point I think we were 58 people!). It proved to be very stimulating and covered a wide range of themes and issues, including:

Time for making - guilt & maintaining a balance - giving and taking;

Politics - issue based subjects - how to engage and debate;

Relationalist aesthetics - Dark Matter - co-constructing & co-creation;

Gift of Otherness - access & diversity - the importance of listening;

Curiosity - respect & responding - plural ontology;

Praxis - theory meeting practice;

School art v real art

A recording of the session can be viewed here on my YouTube channel.

I also offered an opportunity for all participants to take part in a collective project; their chance to respond visually to the provocation ‘what does it mean to be an artist teacher?’. I asked everyone 'to submit a visual image that you have made in the past which illustrates your position or something that you make in response to this session. Please submit a short supporting statement explaining your perspective.' I look forward to seeing the products of this exercise and consider how best to develop/curate for the next session. Please feel free to join in the project - contact me or Beth at the Freelands.


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